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The MSA800 multisensor houses up to 6 individual aquatic sensors that allow for the monitoring of the following parameters: temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity/salinity, turbidity, chlorophyll, blue-green algae, hydrocarbons, pH. Along with the sensors, it has a cleaning brush that rotates between the sensors, ensuring the highest quality of measurements at all times. It can be used in both saline environments as well as lakes and rivers. It is extremely precise and robust. It requires vertical installation. When installed on buoys, it needs additional structure to protect it from the impact of vessels. The connection to the IoT node is made via the MODBUS protocol (RS485).


  • Diameter: 8.5cm. Length: 42cm
  • Weight: 1.2Kg (excluding structure)
  • Communication with the IoT node: Modbus
  • Connector: Proprietary IP68, 4 wires
  • Power supply voltage: 12-24V
  • Average consumption: 150mA
  • Accuracy: depends on the individual sensor
  • Calibration: depends on each individual sensor


  • Aquatic quality systems in lakes and seas
  • Measurement of quality in rivers​
  • Scientific research for data collection

Individual sensors: 
1. pH | 2. Conductivity| 3. Cleaning brush | 4. Dissolved oxygen
5. Temperature| 6. Chlorophyll| 7. Hydrocarbons

Download product sheet MSA800

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